Home Interior - The Best Ideas for Decorating House with Plants

Homlovely.com -- In addition to the right design, owning a house also needs to pay attention to the decorations that will be used. Some people choose plants as home decorations because they are able to provide freshness and create a calming green view in the surrounding area. For some ideas about home decoration using plants, see the following article about Home Interior - The Best Ideas for Decorating House with Plants.


 Living room with large window

The design of the living room owned by this house has a large window with maximum lighting so that it makes the room feel wider. The use of plants as decorations is displayed hanging so that the surrounding area remains undisturbed and does not take up too much space.

Relaxing spot

This house also has a relaxing spot that can be maximized well for gathering with family. The plant arrangement around it will be very suitable if it is combined with the skylight roof it has, so that you can still feel the outdoor atmosphere in the house.

Kitchen design

Not only has a kitchen that has an emerald color, this room is also equipped with a dining table so that it is more efficient in space and makes it easier to prepare food. Some plants are also placed above the refrigerator to make it more visible and not interfere with other functions in the kitchen.




Bedroom design

Turning to the bed, there are various plant decorations that are neatly arranged to create a calming look. Adding plants to the bedroom is also believed to improve sleep quality because of the ability of plants to clean the surrounding air.



Bathroom ideas

The bathroom owned by this house is facilitated with a bathtub, toilet, and also a sink. An additional mat near the bathtub will keep the room clean and not muddy.

That's Home Interior - The Best Ideas for Decorating House with Plants .  for every home that you can make as the best reference. From some designs above, which one is your favorite?

For those of you who want a minimalist home design from simple to modern. Please leave your message and comments on facebook House Beautiful Ideas.

Hopefully this article is useful for those of you design inspiration and house plans.
Hopefully you will be easier in making a dream home.
Don't forget to share it with your relatives and family to be of benefit to others.

Author  : Hafidza
Editor   : Munawaroh
Source : Instagram / knackeredmavis

Homlovely.com -- is a collection of minimalist home designs and floor plans from simple to modern minimalist homes. In addition there are several tips and tricks on home decorating various themes. Our flagship theme is the design and layout of the house, the inspiration of the living room, bedroom, family room, bathroom, prayer room in the house, the terrace of the house and the child's bedroom.