How to Save Energy in the Kitchen - Believe it or not, the amount of energy spent in a household is very big. This happens because appliances that use electrical power are usually considered more practical and efficient. People are often easily tempted to buy those electronic appliances without trying to calculate in advance how much  they pay for any energy that is also depleted.  So, it is a challenge for people to think about what the best way to save energy

One room in the house that is the most energy-intensive is the kitchen. The kitchen has some appliances that only can be used with the electricity. Although they are not used everyday, still, it is becoming a waste of energy. Then, what could we do to save energy in the kitchen?

Unplug from Power Source

Many people consider that an electronic appliance will not use electric power when the switch is in the off position. The one that is often missing from this is the cable which is still plugged in to a power source at home.


Some appliances that still consume electrical energy in an off position are the electric toasters, dispensers, and coffee makers. Therefore, it is advisable to read the entire description and instruction in the manual about this. For a definitely better result, unplug all the appliances that use electrical power from the power source when not in use.

Raise the Temperature on the Refrigerator


The refrigerator has become a must item that always exists in almost every home. The refrigerator should always obtain electrical power so it still must be connected to a power source, but still there is a way to save energy. You can raise the temperature in the refrigerator at a temperature of about 38-42 degrees Celsius. The study states that the temperature is capable of maintaining the freshness of foods or beverages stored in the refrigerator. And preferably when taking something from the refrigerator, do not open the door too long, because it will issue the cold air. And the refrigerator will require a lot of electrical energy to cool the temperature back.

Use Wisely


The main factor for saving energy lies in yourself. If you are wise enough not to use appliances that consume electrical power, you surely would get a good result. Make sure the kitchen still works fine without having to waste energy that will someday run out. For example, in cleaning the kitchen, use equipment or material that can clean optimally without having to use the appliance that requires electrical power like a vacuum cleaner. Use manual cleaning equipment such as cloth or duster to do a thorough cleaning of the kitchen. That way, the kitchen will continue to function properly while saving energy.

Author : Yuniar

Editor : Munawaroh

Source : Various Source is a home decor inspiration resource showcasing architecture, landscaping, furniture design, interior styles, and DIY home improvement methods.

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