7 Beautiful Black House Ideas



7 Beautiful Black House Ideas


Homlovely.com -- Who said the color black couldn't be used in home design? If used and combined correctly, this black color can create an elegant and luxurious impression. The color black can be used on both the outside and inside of the room. Starting with the house's facade and progressing to the rooms within. Get ideas for an elegant black house with these stunning "7 Beautiful Black House Ideas".

Living Room



You can use the black house concept in your favorite living room. Take a look at the reference image above, for example. This room is decorated in black-and-white monochrome colors, with black furnishings such as black sofas. White walls will give the impression of a larger space, as will floors with warm wood accents. 

Dining Area



This black home theme is typically found in homes with modern or even industrial minimalist concepts. Take a look at the image above. Despite the fact that everything is black, from the walls to the ceiling, it still looks elegant. This is because black is appropriately combined with warm colors such as white, gray, or beige on the floor to items such as tables and chairs. 




This black color is also suitable for use in the kitchen. You can mix it with white and warm lights to break up the monotony. The use of black in this kitchen area not only creates an elegant impression, but it also makes the kitchen less visible when dirty. The kitchen in the image above has a kitchen set island layout, which is not only simple but also allows you to move freely because there are no obstacles in the way. 






This bedroom design is ideal for those who appreciate the minimalist aesthetic. For your room, you can make black wall panels. Use a lamp with a unique shape in a comfortable yellow color and curtains with a horizontal blind model to make it look more appealing and moderate. Use wooden or vinyl floors to make it feel cozier. 




This black color can be used in your workspace or study room. Because black can make us feel calmer, you can focus more when doing activities here. Use a variety of furniture that is different in color but still neutral, such as gray, white, beige, and others, to avoid becoming too monotonous. 

House Exterior



Because it is located on the house's outermost part, the facade is a very important part. Others may form an impression of you based on your facade. Although it is rarely used, choosing black as the color of the facade is also a good option. It will appear more luxurious when combined with gold or silver colors. 





Consider the bathroom design shown above. The dominant black color in this room makes it appear more calm and modern. A round lamp hangs from the ceiling in this room. It's also interesting to see the use of wood as an additional interior in the sink.



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Author    : Rieka

Editor    : Munawaroh

Source    : Various Source

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