7 Best Beautiful Chinese Evergreen Types


7 Best Beautiful Chinese Evergreen Types

Homlovely.com -- Chinese evergreen, also known as Aglonema, is thought to bring good fortune in its native China. This plant is quite popular around the world because, aside from being beautiful, it is also easy to care for and can help clean the air in your room.


This beautiful Chinese evergreen has many species. You can tell them apart by the shape of the leaves. Would you like to try having one of them? Let's check this "7 Best Beautiful Chinese Evergreen Types" out! Find the beautiful aglonema that suits you and your sweet home.

Cutlass Aglonema




This plant, as seen in the image above, has greenish-white leaves with an elongated shape, hence the name cutlass. Aglonema cutlass is commonly grown as an indoor plant. Although it appears stiff, it is very soft when touched.



Aglonema Silver Queen




Isn't the name unique? Aside from its unusual name, this plant is also visually appealing, with cream-colored leaves on the leaf bones and dark green at the base of the leaves. This silver queen aglonema, like the red widuri aglonema, does not require much sunlight. Furthermore, maintenance is simple; simply water it once every 2-3 days.



Red Widuri Chinese Evergreen




This lovely Aglonema is recognized by its green and yellow leaf colors, as well as a bright pink color on the leaf bones. The leaves have a more oval shape. Also, because this plant does not require a lot of light, place it in an area with little direct sunlight!



Claudia Aglonema




Although not as colorful as some other types of aglonema, aglonema claudia is also beautiful with its own uniqueness.The pale green leaf color with soft pink leaf bones identifies this plant. Because this aglonema is from Thailand, the seeds are a little more expensive. 



Aglonema Cinta




Aglonema Cinta is the most common type of aglonema and is highly sought after due to its uniqueness. This love aglonema is recognized by its unique leaf shape, which resembles the shape of love. It's quite lovely, isn't it? This plant can be grown both indoors and outdoors.



Aglonema Adelia




This type of aglonema adelia is very often confused with the type of aglonema legacy. Whereas if you look carefully, adelia has a longer and slender leaf shape at the end of the leaf. Adelia's leaves are dominant with a dark green color, with a few patches of yellow and pink as in the picture above.



Suksom Aglonema




Last but not least, this is the type of aglonema you'll like. Look at the picture above, it's very pretty. For your information, this suksom aglonema is one of the most expensive types of aglonema. The characteristic of this plant is the red color of the leaves which is very eye-catching, with minimal green color.

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Author    : Rieka

Editor    : Munawaroh

Source    : Various Source

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