Gorgeous House Design Ideas that Have A Soothing Natural Stone Look

Homlovely.com -- A home with a soothing natural style will certainly make the owner feel happier and bring positive energy to the family. One such natural look can be obtained from natural stone. For examples of home designs with a touch of beautiful natural stone, check out Gorgeous House Design Ideas that Have A Soothing Natural Stone Look.

House facade design

This house design has a warm tropical style and has details that make the house adaptable to the weather. To provide better air circulation, this house has ventilation holes located in the wall area under the roof. This is very beneficial for the homeowner. Not only that, the addition of a small garden in front of this house also makes the exterior look fresher and more charming. 

House facade with fence

If the previous one showed a facade without a fence, this house design also has a look with a fence that can be an inspiration for you. The fence looks similar to the facade of the main house because it has a natural stone texture on the walls. To give a wider impression of the yard, this fence also has an iron fence section that has a gap and makes the house show its beauty.

Roof design

This house design has a pyramid-style roof that has 4 sides and can block the wind from various directions. This will be very beneficial because a high roof can provide better air and make the room in the house feel more spacious. For the small part at the back, there is a roof deck that can be used functionally to place water tanks.



Floor plan

This house has a total size of 8 x 14 m with several rooms inside. At the very front there is a carport and a small yard for the garden. As for the interior, there is a living room, family room, master bedroom, children's bedroom, kitchen, dining room, field, and several other supporting rooms.



Size detail

In more detail, this house has a complete layout with details of its size listed in the picture. Some of these core rooms include a living room with a size of 3.5 x 2.5 m, a family room with a size of 4 x 5.5 m, a kitchen and mini bar with a size of 2.5 x 3.5, and several other rooms.
 Author     : Hafidza
Editor      : Munawaroh
Source    : noman_desainrumah

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