2,5x7 Meters Tiny House with Loft Bed Design Idea

2,5x7 Meters Tiny House with Loft Bed Design Idea

Homlovely.com --Have you ever imagined a house that is only 2.5 meters wide? This house is a case in point. This tiny house design can be one of the solutions to the problem of limited land. Let's check out "2.5x7 Meters Tiny House with Loft Bed Design Idea" below.



Fromt View of The House

Front View

Minimalist look with a simple facade. The facade appears wide with a size of 2.5 x 7 meters. It has a spacious terrace, like a small bungalow house. The combination of black and brown wood gives a minimalist yet elegant impression.



Spacious Terrace


 Seeing at a closer distance. The terrace looks spacious with minimalist decorations. Equipped with a sofa chair set and a comfortable table. It can also be seen that this house has a high foundation similar to a stilt house.



Top View of The House

Roof Design

 Especially for the main building, this house uses a simple roof with a gable model. This roof is widely used in rural-style houses because it is affordable, and easy to install and maintain. On the terrace, a flat roof canopy with a matching color is added. Besides being beautiful, this roof also makes the house more shady and safe.



Rear View of The House

Rear View

In the view of the house from the back, it looks simpler. The wood finish is painted dark gray. There are no unnecessary decorations. There is only a window for ventilation and air circulation.



 Open Space Concept

Open Space

With a minimalist size, this house needs to make the most of the space. Therefore, the open space concept was used. The living room, dining room, and kitchen are all in one. With the arrangement on the side, the remaining middle part can become a hallway or street.



Multifunction Furniture


 Besides paying attention to the exterior, the interior is also important. In addition to the proper arrangement of the room, it is necessary to pay attention to the furniture used. Furniture with simple and minimalist models, but still functional is perfect for small houses like this. For example, a staircase that is also used as a storage cabinet.



Loft Bed

Loft Bed

 Because of its small size, this house utilizes the loft for the bedroom. In this house itself there are 2 bedrooms, both of which are loft beds, located on the right and left sides. Thanks to this loft floor, this house has a high ceiling design. For those who ask where is the wardrobe? This house utilizes the bed by adding drawers that can be used to store clothes. And there is also a medium-sized cabinet.



Floor Plan

Ground Floor

 This is the ground floor plan of the house. This small house is built on a 5 x 7 meter plot, with a 2.5 x 7 meter main building. The ground floor has a spacious terrace, there is a living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom. It is complete enough for a small family or living alone.

Loft Bed

 In addition to the ground floor that we have seen earlier, there is also an additional floor. This additional floor or loft functions as a bedroom with access in the form of stairs. Having 2 bedrooms, this house feels cozy and very homey.



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Author    : Rieka

Editor    : Munawaroh

Source    : Youtube.com/ Cozy Woodnest

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