70 Sqm Modern Bungalow House Design With 2 Bedroom, Low-cost Design Idea

70 Sqm Modern Bungalow House Design With 2 Bedroom, Low-cost Design Idea 

Homlovely.com -- Actually, a design or house plan can be used as inspiration. No matter how much land you own, whether the same area as the plan or not, the important thing is that the ratio or scale is still appropriate. Here is an example of a charming home design "70 Sqm Modern Bungalow House Design With 2 Bedroom, Low-cost Design Idea", complete with an interior that can be an inspiration!

Simple yet Elegant Exterior

Facade Design

To make a house look charming does not have to require a lot of budget. You can get the look of an elegant minimalist home with the right design, just adjust it to the budget you have. This house has a modern bungalow look with simple characteristics. A fairly spacious terrace with staircase access, coupled with warm lighting, perfect!

Modern Minimalist Interior


The interior also determines the charming appearance of the house, as well as the comfort offered. The modern minimalist concept in the interior gives a look that is in line with expectations, elegant, simple, and affordable. White and earthy tones are perfect for a tiny house like this. White color lighting, both in downlights and chandeliers, are elegant and luxurious!

Wallpaper for Decoration

Bedroom 1

To create an attractive home does not have to spend a lot of budget. There are many ideas that you can try in decorating the room. One of them is with murals or wallpaper. Wallpaper is available in many motifs, and with varying price ranges, just adjust it to your needs and desires.

Cozy Nuance

Bedroom 2

Not only the beauty of the decor, comfort is also a major factor to consider when designing a room. A comfortable room, especially a bedroom, can make its residents feel at home. The quality of sleep becomes better, and the body becomes healthier.

Complete Facilities


Even though the land is small, you can still get complete facilities for each room. But of course with more efficiency and optimization. This small bathroom has a size that is not spacious but complete facilities, there is a sink complete with Cabinet, toilet, and shower. What do you think?

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Author : Rieka

Editor : Munawaroh

Source : Youtube AKASHI DESIGN

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