Exterior Designs Simple & Charming. Perfect for Every Style

 Homlovely.comThe exterior is the frontmost part of a dwelling. As many of us know, the front view is the face and the nature or design of a dwelling. For that, a chic exterior will certainly make the residence's appearance beautiful and comfortable. Below are some details about the exterior design.

One-floor with rooftop 11 x 11 m


This one-story residence has a size of 11 x 11. This exterior design looks minimalist, and chic and provides a warm and comfortable residential accent. The side of the house has a garage and a rooftop at the top of the garage. This will certainly make anyone who lives in this house feel comfortable because they can relax on the rooftop.

Two-floor exterior 9 x 15 m


This 2-storey house has a unique half-sloping roof but gives a slick appearance. The use of bright colors on the exterior makes the house look spacious and clean. The front porch, a sufficient size can be used for a relaxing area or an outdoor living room.

Exterior house design 8 x 11 m


The size of 8 x 11 m makes this one-story house not inferior to other home designs. A simple appearance combined with natural elements makes the residence feel fresh and calming. Coupled with slick lighting the exterior has an aesthetic appearance.

Minimalist house two-floor 8 x 15 m


The minimalist design appears in this 2-story house. The roof is designed in a saddle style and light decorations in several spots give a beautiful and luminous accent. To make the atmosphere more fresh and beautiful, you can make a garden in front, side, or back of the house.

Modern house design with a flat roof


This two-story house with industrial design looks chic and future. Applying a flat roof, this 2-story house also grows vines in some parts. This certainly gives a beautiful accent to the house with a beautiful and modern exterior.

Bright exterior looks fresh with exposed brick


Its beautiful design and proper coloring make this 2-story house look beautiful and stylish. Applying bright white combined with contrasting colored exposed bricks makes the house more cheerful and lively. Give some plants to make the atmosphere more fresh and comfortable.

Unique exterior house design


The sloping and half-sloping roof on this 2-story house gives a different and unique accent. Especially with the brightly colored exterior of the house, making the house look spacious and clean.

Author : Yuniar

Editor : Munawaroh

Source : Various Source

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