48 sqm Simple House Design with Roof Deck

Homlovely.com -- A small house is not impossible to transform into a beautiful and cozy one. For example, this one house design can be a perfect reference for those of you who want a nice small house. Are you interested? Check out 48 sqm Simple House Design with Roof Deck.

House exterior

This house is designed with a small, minimalist bungalow concept with fresh green shades. At the front, there are not many complicated details. There is a spacious porch with additional stairs to the roof deck. The roof deck is the perfect space to relax safely and comfortably.

Interior design

Entering the interior, this house is made open without partitions, allowing easy access between areas and making the small house look spacious. At the front, there is a living area and dining area. The addition of a TV cabinet makes the room feel more cool.

Kitchen design

The kitchen is at the very back and a little more hidden for more free activity. In addition to the kitchen table, there is also a wall cabinet with white color that looks integrated with the wall. In order not to be stuffy, this area is also designed to have large windows and a back door.

Bedroom design

The bedroom feels cozy with the green color selection that provides a fresh and calming atmosphere. The decor can be customized with matching concepts such as by adding plants in the corner of the room to provide optimal freshness and help provide quality air.

Floor plan design

For the room plan, the layout looks neat with a size of 48 sqm. There is a living area, dining area, kitchen, bathroom and 2 bedrooms. Don't forget the roof deck which is a functional area in this small house design.






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Author     : Hafidza
Editor      : Munawaroh
Source    : Various Sources

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