5 Pictures of Native Amakan and Modern House Design

 Homlovely.com - A cozy home doesn't have to be big. A small house that is well-designed and mature will also make its residents feel comfortable and at home to live in it. Here we have some examples of small house designs that add your references. See more about 5 Pictures of Native Amakan and Modern House Design. Check it out!

Double roof

Elegant nuances with matching colors and vertical barriers make this small house look modern. Moreover, the double roof model that houses the residence gives a minimalist and stylish appearance.

Green tone

Amakan house is indeed very popular. The design is simple and does not require expensive costs, certainly making this house design the choice of many people. Moreover, the concept of a fresh green color provides a more pleasant home design.

Concrete house

This concrete house looks modern and sturdy with a minimalist model. The right coloring makes the dwelling more attractive.

Tiny house

Even though it is small, this house feels comfortable to live in. Built with a simple but precise design adjusting to the needs makes the house more attractive.

Half cladding

An interesting look can be seen in the Amakan native house as in the picture above. The half-cladding design with a bamboo wall at the top makes the design more authentic.

Author     : Yuniar
Editor      : Munawaroh
Source    : 
Various Sources

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