Amakan House Design Low COST with Cozy Rooms - A simple Amakan house design that is built with a touch of half-cladding looks so gorgeous. Nevertheless, this minimalist and simple house feels comfortable with complete facilities. Let's check it out for more details!

Amakan house design

It appears that the bottom of the house or foundation uses concrete material to make the dwelling more sturdy. And the rest, you can make the walls of the house with bamboo weaving that is typical of the Amakan house. 

Living room

In the living room, there are long chairs that are adjusted in size to the existing room. This certainly helps maximize the design of the room to be more efficient. And for TV, it can be hung on the wall to save space.

Hallway area

Wearing an open concept is indeed suitable to give the effect of a spacious residence. For this Amakan house, there is a living room that is one room with a dining room and a family area. You can put a flexible divider that is easy to move if you want privacy.


The minimalist design in this bedroom provides comfort for those who occupy it. With windows protected by trellises and curtains, making the privacy of the room is more maintained.

Author     : Yuniar
Editor      : Munawaroh
Source    : Various Sources is a home decor inspiration resource showcasing architecture, landscaping, furniture design, interior styles, and DIY home improvement methods.

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