Simple Amakan House (10x10 meter) 60K - 10 x 10-meter Amakan house was built simply. Having a simple design, this house has complete facilities and can be inhabited by singles or couples. The low cost of 60k pesos means anyone can build this simple house.

Exterior design

Take a look at the exterior design of this Amakan house. It looks simple but minimalist and comfortable to live in. with the walls wearing woven bamboo, giving it a natural accent and a typical traditional house.


Entering the interior, it appears that this house is wearing an open-plan design. There is no living room, there is a relaxation room which becomes one room with a bedroom and a dining table. There is a curtain barrier for access to other rooms.

Bedroom design

It appears that this bedroom has a bed next to the window, making it get access to light from the outside. There is a small table next to the bed as a storage place.

Dining room

The dining table, which is a room with a relaxation area and a bedroom, looks simple. By placing tables and chairs according to the size of the room, it looks slick and does not interfere with the aesthetics and comfort of the room.

Kitchen area

Behind the curtains that restrict, there is a kitchen, sink, and wardrobe. Because of its small size, you have to be smart in arranging and making arrangements to keep it neat and clean.

Author     : Yuniar
Editor      : Munawaroh
Source    : Various Sources is a home decor inspiration resource showcasing architecture, landscaping, furniture design, interior styles, and DIY home improvement methods.

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