Simple Ganda 5x6 m Bahay Kubo with Complete Rooms - Living in a small house of 5 x 6 meters is indeed a crucial thing. Although it looks small, the design and careful planning make it seem spacious and occupied. Let's take a look at some of the 5 x 6-meter house designs and their rooms below.

Exterior design

The exterior appearance of the house looks still unpolished. But it already looks good with exposed cement. The sloping roof or shed roof also adds a minimalist impression to this 5 x 6-meter house.

Facade view

Looking at the front, this house does look small. The presence of doors and several windows helps the room in this house have good air circulation and sunlight can enter the house.

Living room

Indeed, the living room looks small but elongated. You can arrange this room as best as possible so that it does not seem cramped and of course makes it comfortable when occupied.

Simple bedroom

Entering the bedroom, it looks like the room looks spacious. You can make a sit-on-the-floor bed to make it look more spacious and complete it with a workspace area if necessary.


Located in the main room, this kitchen is at the back of the room. Its simple design and concrete countertops that adjust the size of the room, do not make the kitchen too narrow or cluttered.

Author     : Yuniar
Editor      : Munawaroh
Source    : Various Sources is a home decor inspiration resource showcasing architecture, landscaping, furniture design, interior styles, and DIY home improvement methods.

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