(Before-after) Pretty Modern House Design with Shed Roof

(Before-after) Pretty Modern House Design with Shed Roof 

Homlovely.com -- When you want to build a house, there are certainly quite a lot of things you can consider. Apart from the land size, the right design is also very important. Look charming with a minimalist modern style, let's check out the following (Before-after) Pretty Modern House Design with Shed Roof as inspiration for your dream home!

Early Construction Process

Early Construction Process

As we already know, the first step when building a house is the most important thing. Because this foundation will determine the durability and shape of your home. After the foundation, the frame and roof can follow.

Home Shape Already Visible

Home Shape Already Visible

After that, of course, start building the walls and each room. This house seems to have a soothing high ceiling design. The building lines are also neat and simple.

Secondary Skin

Secondary Skin 

After the main building was completed, the owner decided to beautify the terrace area. The wide front porch was given an additional secondary skin. The look of the wooden lattice is elegant and fashionable.

Beautiful Exterior

Beautiful Exterior

When compared to before, this house has started to look beautiful with various decoration ideas on the exterior. Like the corner of this house which is given a white frame and wood grain motif to make it more elegant.

Side and Rear View

Side and Rear View

This is another pov of this house, on the side and also the back of the house. For the roof, this house uses an elegant shed roof model. On this side there is also a wide terrace.

Final View

Final View

Looks charming with a modern minimalist style, maybe this house can be an inspiration if you want a similar design. For its own facilities, this house has a living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, and a bathroom.

Thank you for taking the time to read this (Before-after) Pretty Modern House Design with Shed Roof. Hope you find it useful. If you like this, don't forget to share and leave your thumbs up to keep support me. Stay tuned for more interesting articles from Homlovely.com!

Author : Rieka

Editor : Munawaroh

Source คุณ Vee Viivii

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