Half Amakan Ideas House for Budget Savers

Homlovely.com -- This home design has an appearance that mixes a traditional house with a modern touch, making it more affordable while being pleasant and sturdy. For those who enjoy the amakan house style, this is a must-see. Check out Half Amakan Ideas House for Budget Savers.

Exterior details

This house combines different materials for the structure of the house. The lower part uses concrete to make the building more sturdy. As a traditional touch and also more economical, the upper wall area uses amakan which has a distinctive look. A native house can look contemporary like this.

Interior view

The inside is created with an open space concept, making it appear spacious and stretched. The absence of barriers provides the space a fresh appearance and adequate illumination. Furthermore, the ceiling-up design looks fantastic with the addition touch of lights.

Living room design

At the front, there is a living area with a sofa neatly set in the corner of the room and little other furniture, making the space feel clean and pleasant. For a more lively appearance, the owner can add additional decorations such as plants in the room's corner or wall displays.

Dining and kitchen

The dining area follows, with well-organized wooden furniture sets. The installation of a tablecloth is one of the ornamental touches that enhances the room's appearance. The central location of furniture allows for more flexible access to the room. 

The kitchen is located in the back and has an L-shaped configuration that fills the room in a more efficient manner. There are windows and a back door that will provide airflow, keeping the space from becoming stuffy.


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Author     : Hafidza
Editor      : Munawaroh
Source    : Credit to the owner

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