Smart Ways to Design and Build Your Small House -- How can a home look amazing? It will certainly be optimal when having a design first to be able to measure the percentage of suitability. Here we present some home designs that you can see before-after. For some of these designs, check Smart Ways to Design and Build Your Small House.




Simple bungalow house

The first design has a popular minimalist bungalow concept with a skillion to lead roof type. The application is very similar, with the same size and the right structure. You can build this house in a rural area with a modern look.

Elegant concept

Next, it has a very beautiful design using a minimalist concept that has a white color with a touch of black and wood color that makes it stunning and can be a very timeless look. A minimalist, scandinavian, or muji room would be perfect for this home.

Elevated house

It is very important to think about the right structure for the house. One of the ideal designs is to elevate the house to make it safer during floods or just to keep your house clear of dusty winds. This house has an interesting staircase design that looks like a temple.

Small but pretty

Finishing in this home design can apply bright soft colors or warm colors with an industrial concept. You can imitate it with the creations you want. The wide porch roof makes the house look very shady and still sturdy when it has 2 poles.






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Author     : Hafidza
Editor      : Munawaroh
Source    : Balcony Garden is a home decor inspiration resource showcasing architecture, landscaping, furniture design, interior styles, and DIY home improvement methods.

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