700K Material and Labor Super Ganda House


Homlovely.com -- This small house design can be an inspiration for those of you who are planning to build a house on a limited land. The concept of this house applies a minimalist design that can give the impression of a small size house that looks spacious. Equipped with complete facilities so that it can provide comfort for homeowners. 

Facade Design

The facade of this house presents a simple and minimalist impression. The combination of white and concrete colors can give the impression that the house looks spacious and clean. Equipped with wooden material doors and large enough glass windows so as to maximize the lighting that enters the room of the house. 

Porch Design 

For the appearance of the porch of this house has a large enough size so that you can utilize its function. You make a seat with a letter L shape with concrete material so that it is stronger and sturdier. The use of ceramics with wood motifs can add a unique impression. 

Living Room Design 

Entering the house there is a spacious living room so you can maximize its function. You can apply a chair set with wooden material that can provide comfort for homeowners. Using white floors and concrete walls that can save budget costs. 

Kitchen Design 

For the kitchen design of this house has an elongated size so that it can maximize the existing space. The kitchen using concrete material can certainly give a strong and sturdy impression. You can apply doors with wood materials that can maximize lighting and circulation.

Author : Dwi

Editor : Munawaroh

Source : various sources

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