Half Concrete Small and Mura House

Homlovely.com -- Planning to build a house at a lower cost? We have the solution. This house will be one of the best ideas for a low cost but still have a decent space. Check out the details below, Half Concrete Small and Mura House.

House facade

This house is small in size using half concrete and plywood so it can be an option for those of you who want to build a house but want a lower cost but still have a sturdy building. For more security, put a railing on the porch especially for those of you who live in areas with many animals.

The room

The room was also made with half concrete and plywood. For a proper look, you can paint it white to make the room seem more spacious. However, if you want to save your budget, this look is still good and fine.

Small but cozy

Give the room an ideal arrangement. Place the furniture correctly like this. Furniture with wood color looks very harmonious and placed close together. The size of the kitchen table that is arranged linearly also makes a lot of space left.


The bathroom with white color looks clean and also comfortable. Additional shelves on the wall area are an addition that makes many items more organized in a limited space like this.





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Author     : Hafidza
Editor      : Munawaroh
Source    : credit to the owner

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